Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tomato Mozzarella Salad in Parmesan Basket

This is a fun and easy recipe that looks so gourmet. You can really impress your friends with this one! To make the Parmesan basket, sprinkle shredded Parmesan cheese onto the Silpat forming 5-inch circles. Sprinkle Parmesan circles with crushed pecans. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Remove from the oven when they turn a golden color particularly around the edges. Allow to cool for about one minute. Keep a close eye on them. If you wait too long they will break and not be soft enough to mold. Flip over your Texas muffin tray and lay the Parmesan circles on the cups to form a basket. Press to form scalloped edges. Let cool and then turn over and you now have a Parmesan basket. For the salad I mixed ripe tomatoes cut into small chucks, mozzarella pieces, and parsley. I drizzled this with olive oil and then salt & pepper to taste. Invite some friends over and enjoy some tomatoes and parsley from the garden!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Goldfish Tray

Today I discovered that we now have zuccini available from the garden. Oh yeah! Zuccini Bread time!!! Yesterday I received the new Goldfish Tray and decided to try it out to use for my Zuccini bread. The bread was yummy, but the shape made it even more fun! To order the new Goldfish Tray (FP002172), please call me at 970-901-9230 or visit my website.